Coming soon… Butler’s #2

It’s hard to believe it’s approaching 5 years since we created the first Butler’s site in Bingham back in 2017! The world was certainly a much different place back then and I don’t think anyone would have predicted that in that relatively short space of time we’d have lived through a global pandemic, completed Brexit leaving the EU single market and be living in a country with circa 10% inflation!

Yet here we stand, as committed as ever to bring you the joys of speciality coffee and chilled cafe vibes and we could not have done so without the continued love and support of our friends and loyal customers. So let’s do it again! Are you mad I hear you cry? Well maybe but we are now deeply in the midst of executing our plan to create Butler’s #2 in the lovely village of Radcliffe-on-Trent. Another place we know very well and is close to our hearts, we absolutely can’t wait to share the journey so stay tuned to our social media channels to see how the site is evolving.

We love to use fellow local businesses and trades people so this time a big shout out goes to Boyes Design based in Colwick who are helping us with the refit and Outpost Coffee Roasters once again providing their top class support in terms of kit and speciality grade ethically sourced coffee.

We’re aiming for a September launch but if you’ve never visited us before and simply cannot wait, then be sure to pop into our Bingham site to get a feel for what we are all about or alternatively visit our online shop - and get brewing at home.